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Old 11-10-2018, 05:56 AM   #336
Human being with feelings
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Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 4,820

i am not sure about your question:

There was an example always running in loop and in that way you can check for changes on markers, or whatever you need, .. the example is: first selected track, you will have to get the markers information you need inside the main function

also, .. the input you will use is just one so probably:
1 - you have to create the elements you need as an array or give them names so that you know what is what(i guess not with GUI builder - never used tho)

something like this (i don't remember the syntax) , .. 
for i=1,16 do
  GUI.New("my_frm_list_"[i], 	"Frame", 	...

for i=1,16 do
  GUI.New("my_frm_list_"..i, 	"Frame", 	...
probably first is better so you can take advantage of array functions

2- onclick one of the element display the input box and put's this value on the right position of the array having in mind the up and down state ofcourse.

Hope it helps

	Lokasenna_GUI 2.0 preview

	- Using the Main loop to monitor and interact with things in Reaper
	- Using z layers and related functions to move elements around
	- Changing elements' methods for your own purposes


local dm, _ = debug_mode
local function Msg(str)

local info = debug.getinfo(1,'S');
script_path = info.source:match[[^@?(.*[\/])[^\/]-$]]

-- I hate working with 'requires', so I've opted to do it this way.
-- This also works much more easily with my Script Compiler.
local function req(file)
	if missing_lib then return function () end end
	local ret, err = loadfile(script_path .. file)
	if not ret then
		reaper.ShowMessageBox("Couldn't load "..file.."\n\nError: "..tostring(err), "Library error", 0)
		missing_lib = true		
		return function () end

		return ret


-- The Core library must be loaded prior to any classes, or the classes will throw up errors
-- when they look for functions that aren't there.

-- For better cross-platform behavior.
local sep = GUI.file_sep

req("Classes"..sep.."Class - Label.lua")()
--req("Classes"..sep.."Class - Knob.lua")()
--req("Classes"..sep.."Class - Tabs.lua")()
req("Classes"..sep.."Class - Slider.lua")()
--req("Classes"..sep.."Class - Button.lua")()
--req("Classes"..sep.."Class - Menubox.lua")()
--req("Classes"..sep.."Class - Checklist.lua")()
--req("Classes"..sep.."Class - Radio.lua")()
--req("Classes"..sep.."Class - Textbox.lua")()
req("Classes"..sep.."Class - Frame.lua")()

-- If any of the requested libraries weren't found, abort the script.
if missing_lib then return 0 end = "Example - Main, Z, and Methods"
GUI.x, GUI.y, GUI.w, GUI.h = 0, 0, 300, 128
GUI.anchor, GUI.corner = "mouse", "C"

-- Pre-declaring this so every function has access to it
local tr


	New elements are created by:
	GUI.New(name, class, params)
	and can then have their parameters accessed via:
	GUI.New("my_new_label", "Label", 1, 32, 32, "This is my label")
	GUI.elms.my_new_label.color = "magenta"
	GUI.elms.my_new_label.font = 1
		Classes and parameters
	Button		name, 	z, 	x, 	y, 	w, 	h, caption, func[, ...]
	Checklist	name, 	z, 	x, 	y, 	w, 	h, caption, opts[, dir, pad]
	Frame		name, 	z, 	x, 	y, 	w, 	h[, shadow, fill, color, round]
	Knob		name, 	z, 	x, 	y, 	w, 	caption, min, max, steps, default[, vals]	
	Label		name, 	z, 	x, 	y,		caption[, shadow, font, color, bg]
	Menubox		name, 	z, 	x, 	y, 	w, 	h, caption, opts
	Radio		name, 	z, 	x, 	y, 	w, 	h, caption, opts[, dir, pad]
	Slider		name, 	z, 	x, 	y, 	w, 	caption, min, max, steps, handles[, dir]
	Tabs		name, 	z, 	x, 	y, 		tab_w, tab_h, opts[, pad]
	Textbox		name, 	z, 	x, 	y, 	w, 	h[, caption, pad]


GUI.New("lbl_track", "Label",	1,	96, 8, "No track selected!", true, 2, "red")
GUI.New("frm_track", "Frame",	2,	0, 0, 300, 128, false, true, "faded", 0)
GUI.New("sldr_pan", "Slider",	3,	88, 64, 128, "First selected track's Pan:", -100, 100, 200, 100, "h")

-- Layer 5 will never be shown or updated
-- (See the Main function below)
GUI.elms_hide[5] = true

local function update_pan()
	reaper.SetMediaTrackInfo_Value( tr, "D_PAN", GUI.Val("sldr_pan")/100 )

-- Class methods can be overwritten, either at the class level or
-- for individual elements.

-- You can also easily add your own code to methods:

-- Needs to be global, since GUI already exists
function GUI.elms.sldr_pan:onmousedown()
	-- Run the slider's normal method
	-- Note that we have to call the method as a function here; we
	-- can't use the : syntax because sldr_pan's 'self' needs to be
	-- passed on as a value. If we used a :, it would pass GUI.Slider
function GUI.elms.sldr_pan:ondrag()
function GUI.elms.sldr_pan:onwheel()
function GUI.elms.sldr_pan:ondoubleclick()

-- This will be run on every update loop of the GUI script; anything you would put
-- inside a reaper.defer() loop should go here. (The function name doesn't matter)
local function Main()
	-- Check the track state and toggle our warning label as needed
	tr = reaper.GetSelectedTrack( 0, 0 )
	if tr then
		-- Save a bit of CPU by only doing this if we need to
		if GUI.elms.lbl_track.z == 1 then
			-- These both accomplish the same thing...
			-- lbl_track is moved to a different layer, which we've permanently
			-- hidden above. Use this if you have several elements on a single 
			-- layer and only want to hide one of them. e.g. adjusting which
			-- options are available depending on other things the user does.
			GUI.elms.lbl_track.z = 5
			-- frm_track's entire layer is hidden. This is what the Tabs element
			-- uses.
			GUI.elms_hide[GUI.elms.frm_track.z] = true
			-- Layers can also be frozen; they'll be drawn, but won't receive
			-- any user input. Use this for i.e. having a slider display an
			-- RMS value, since the user can't do anything with it.
			-- Completely unnecessary here, because frm_track is on top and will
			-- "steal" any user input.
			GUI.elms_freeze[GUI.elms.sldr_pan.z] = false
			-- Force a redraw of every layer
			GUI.redraw_z[0] = true
		-- See if the track's Pan value has been changed and update the slider
		local pan = reaper.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value( tr, "D_PAN" )
		if math.abs( pan - (GUI.Val("sldr_pan") / 100) ) > 0.00 then
			-- Converting the returned value (-1 to 1) to Slider steps (0 to 200)
			pan = (math.floor(100*pan) - GUI.elms.sldr_pan.min )
			-- Pan knobs can actually be at 0% L or R; correcting for that.
			if pan < 100 then pan = pan + 1 end
			GUI.Val("sldr_pan", pan )
		if GUI.elms.lbl_track.z == 5 then
			GUI.elms.lbl_track.z = 1
			GUI.elms_hide[GUI.elms.frm_track.z] = false
			GUI.elms_freeze[GUI.elms.sldr_pan.z] = true
			GUI.redraw_z[0] = true


-- Tell the GUI library to run Main on each update loop
-- Individual elements are updated first, then GUI.func is run, then the GUI is redrawn
GUI.func = Main

-- How often (in seconds) to run GUI.func. 0 = every loop.
GUI.freq = 0


Last edited by deeb; 11-10-2018 at 06:08 AM.
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