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Old 04-01-2015, 10:05 AM   #7
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 114

How can change the step for mousewheel tempochange so that it was 2 instead of 1. This is usefull, to need less wheel rotate to reach the goal. I think it also usefull in mixer. 1.5 db step is enough for me. default is 0.75 db.

The change of speed with mousewheel work in 1 steps. press shift and move wheel then work in 0.1 step. press ctrl and move wheel then it work in 0.01 steps. and press CTRL+shift and move wheel work in 0.001 step

I see no preference setting in mouse to change this. maybe it is possible that it can work double too. So 1 wheel step are on tempo 2 bpm, on mixer 1.5 db ?
to make it very precise, there are lots keys, but to move faster there seem nothing
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