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Old 03-14-2009, 05:00 PM   #119
Marah Mag
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Default Macro to Extract Active Take From Item

My first real Reaper macro! Maybe others will find it useful.

It will extract the active take from an item. That doesn't seem to be otherwise available directly as an action. I've assigned it to Ctrl-Shift-x.

How it works:
- The first 4 item navs insure the cursor is at selected item's left edge, no matter where it is when invoked.
- The active take (pre-selected) is cropped, deleting all other takes
- Cropped take is copied.
- Cropping is undone, restoring item to original state
- Active take is deleted from item
- Item with remaining takes is muted
- Active take is pasted at pre-positioned cursor
- Post paste, cursor is re-positioned at start of item.

This works whether Reaper is playing back or idle.

Issues: The extracted take is positioned exactly on top of the original item, which is fine (and desired), but it needs to be either moved or resized vertically in order to access the original item.

Question: Is there any way the height or vertical position of an item can be changed with an action, so that the pasted take and original item to not entirely overlap?
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