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Old 02-11-2018, 06:50 AM   #88
Human being with feelings
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Originally Posted by mschnell View Post
Maybe tomorrow I'll add a display for that feature in the graphic ...
Here you are: version 2.2

desc:Pipe Midi Filter
author: Michael Schnell (
version: 2.2
changelog: initial release
donation: United Nations Foundation
  ## Description

  ## Limitations

// Author: Michael Schnell, based on a work of Time Waster (M. Smith)
// License: LGPL -

slider1:0<0,15,1{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16}>MIDI Channel
slider2:1<0,127,1{0 Bank Sel M,1 Mod Wheel M,2 Breath M,3,4 Foot P M,5 Porta M,6 Data Entry M,7 Vol M,8 Balance M,9,10 Pan M,11 Expression M,12 Ctrl 1 M,13 Ctrl 2 M,14,15,16 GP Slider 1,17 GP Slider 2,18 GP Slider 3,19 GP Slider 4,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32 Bank Sel L,33 Mod Wheel L,34 Breath L,35,36 Foot P L,37 Porta L,38 Data Entry L,39 Vol L,40 Balance L,41,42 Pan L,43 Expression L,44 Ctrl 1 L,45 Ctrl 2 L,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64 Hold P sw,65 Porta sw,66 Sustenuto sw,67 Soft P sw,68 Legato P sw,69 Hold 2 P sw,70 S.Variation,71 S.Timbre,72 S.Release,73 S.Attack,74 S.Brightness,75 S.Ctrl 6,76 S.Ctrl 7,77 S.Ctrl 8,78 S.Ctrl 9,79 S.Ctrl 10,80 GP B.1 sw,81 GP B.2 sw,82 GP B.3 sw,83 GP B.4 sw,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91 Effects Lv,92 Trem Lv,93 Chorus Lv,94 Celeste Lv,95 Phaser Lv,96 Data B. Inc,97 Data B. Dec,98 NRP L,99 NRP M,100 RP L,101 RP M,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127}>CC Input
slider3:2<1,127,1{0 Bank Sel M,1 Mod Wheel M,2 Breath M,3,4 Foot P M,5 Porta M,6 Data Entry M,7 Vol M,8 Balance M,9,10 Pan M,11 Expression M,12 Ctrl 1 M,13 Ctrl 2 M,14,15,16 GP Slider 1,17 GP Slider 2,18 GP Slider 3,19 GP Slider 4,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32 Bank Sel L,33 Mod Wheel L,34 Breath L,35,36 Foot P L,37 Porta L,38 Data Entry L,39 Vol L,40 Balance L,41,42 Pan L,43 Expression L,44 Ctrl 1 L,45 Ctrl 2 L,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64 Hold P sw,65 Porta sw,66 Sustenuto sw,67 Soft P sw,68 Legato P sw,69 Hold 2 P sw,70 S.Variation,71 S.Timbre,72 S.Release,73 S.Attack,74 S.Brightness,75 S.Ctrl 6,76 S.Ctrl 7,77 S.Ctrl 8,78 S.Ctrl 9,79 S.Ctrl 10,80 GP B.1 sw,81 GP B.2 sw,82 GP B.3 sw,83 GP B.4 sw,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91 Effects Lv,92 Trem Lv,93 Chorus Lv,94 Celeste Lv,95 Phaser Lv,96 Data B. Inc,97 Data B. Dec,98 NRP L,99 NRP M,100 RP L,101 RP M,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127}>CC Output
slider6:0<0,500,10>dwell time (msek)
slider8:0<0,1,1{straight,stretch}>original CC

  out  = 0;
  outo = 0;
  in   = 0;
  delay = 0;
  inChannel   = slider1;
  inCC        = slider2; 
  outCC       = slider3;
  thh         = slider4;
  thl         = thh - slider5;
  dt          = slider6;         
  invert      = slider7;
  enhance     = slider8;
  thl < 1 ? thl = 1;
  invert ? (
    outh      = 0;
    outl      = 127;
   ) : ( 
    outh      = 127;
    outl      = 0;
  msg1o       = $xB0 + inChannel;
  while (midirecv(offset, msg1, msg2, msg3)) (
    status = msg1 & $xF0;      // Extract message type
    channel = msg1 & $x0F;
    channel == inChannel ? (   // Is it on our channel?
      status == $xB0 ? (       // Is it a controller event?
        msg2 == inCC ? (       // Is it the right CC?
          in = msg3;
          in > thh ? (
            out = outh;
           ) :  msg3 < thl ? (
            out = outl; 
          out != outo ? (
            outo = out;            
            f = srate / samplesblock;   // calls per second
            f = f * dt / 1000;          // minimum calls        
            f = 0 | f;
            delay = f+1;
          enhance ? (
            msg3 -= thl;
            msg3 /= 127-thl; // 0...1)
            msg3 *= 127; 
            msg3 < 0 ? msg3 = 0;
            mm = msg3;
    midisend(offset, msg1, msg2, msg3); // pass through
  delay ? (
    delay -= 1;
    !delay ? (
      outv !=  outo ? (
        outv = outo;
        midisend(offset, msg1o, outCC, outo); // pass through            
@gfx 640 400

gfx_r=gfx_g=gfx_b=0; gfx_a=1;

q1 = gfx_w / 128;

outv>64 ? (
  gfx_r = 0; gfx_g = 1; gfx_b = 0;
  gfx_x = 0;
  gfx_y = 0;
  gfx_rectto(gfx_w, gfx_h/2);


gfx_r = 0; gfx_g = 0; gfx_b = 1;
gfx_x = thh*q1;
gfx_y = 0;
gfx_lineto(gfx_x, gfx_h);

gfx_x = thl*q1;
gfx_y = 0;
gfx_lineto(gfx_x, gfx_h);

gfx_r = 1; gfx_g = 0; gfx_b = 0;
gfx_y = 0;
gfx_x = 1+in*q1;
gfx_lineto(gfx_x, gfx_h);

enhance ? (
  gfx_r = 1; gfx_g = 1; gfx_b = 1;
  gfx_y = gfx_h-1;
  gfx_x = 0;
  x = thl / 127 * gfx_w;
  gfx_lineto(x, gfx_y);
  gfx_lineto(gfx_w, 0);
  gfx_r = 1; gfx_g = 1; gfx_b = 0;
  gfx_y = gfx_h - 1 - (mm / 127 * gfx_h);
  gfx_x = 0;
  gfx_lineto(gfx_w, gfx_y);
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