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Old 06-20-2019, 07:02 PM   #3136
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Originally Posted by poetnprophet View Post

The only thing I would ask to add that would take this way over the top with regards to FX mapping: have an interface that can create the ZON file for fx. I'm imagining we have a list of widgets for a surface and a field for each where we can type in the param and plugin name, etc. After we fill it out, we press "create" and a Zon file is created accordingly (and maybe even CSI refreshes) so that it's done, mapped. We could take it a step further and include the Reaper stuff like "last param touched" so that we don't have to hunt for the param in the list (sometimes the the list is very long and the names are not intuitive).
Actually, just filling out a surface template (like the one I posted for the C4) doesn't represent any more typing than what you've just described. Particularly if you make use of the vertical selection features in BBEdit or Notepad++. You can cut a parameter name from the VST dump and paste into the name, value and rotary fields in one go.

I'm afraid there's no way around it, if you want the controls where you want them, you have to put the mapping time in. Horrible, I know, but you only have to do it once for each plugin.

Regarding not being able to 'find' a particular control in a long VST dump with unhelpful ( or sometimes just plain wrong) names, you can use Reaper's built in 'last touched' feature.

If you open an FX window, move a control and then click the 'Parameter' button at the top of the window, you'll be able to see the VST parameter name in grey at the top of the drop down menu.
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