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Old 04-17-2017, 02:26 AM   #2
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 10

OK... I've been playing around a little and discovered that ReWire only provides a stereo pair back into Forte which scuppers that idea. I have tried syncing a stand alone instance of Reaper which kinda of works but I can't sync triggering the transport. I can probably work around this as long by using Reaper as master and sync'ing MIDI sync but the main issue is the below...

I still haven't found a way to switch tabs from within Forte to Reaper. Is there a way to assign Program Change message to a Reaper project tab? I can switch using a controller on my MIDI keyboard but;

a) it seems Reaper window needs to be in focus (as I'm not touching the laptop while performing this is a problem)
b) I utilise the MIDI keyboard CC to switch scenes in Forte and can't seem to share them (when Forte has "Next Scene" applied to the ">>" button, Reaper can't use the same (receiving a CC#64 for all CCs already in use)

Any help here would be most appreciated.
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