Thread: "Leader Mode"
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Old 09-18-2009, 09:10 PM   #1
Human being with feelings
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Location: Boston
Posts: 22
Default "Leader Mode"

Hey guys,

I think a great feature to enable would be a "leader status" that could be appointed to someone in the jam. The result of this would be their interval time would be set to half of everyone else's.

Basically, the architecture would look like this:
- Everyone streams their sound to the Ninjam server, as normal
- The leader gets streamed from the server to everyone else with a 1/2 bpi delay
- Everyone else gets streamed from the server to the leader with a 1/2 bpi delay
- Everyone else gets streamed from the server to each other with a full bpi delay, as normal

This basically has the effect of cutting the delay in half between the leader and everyone else, while still keeping everyone synced up in the interval. Here are a few scenarios where this could be helpful:

Starting a jam: If the leader starts a jam, everyone else will only have to wait half the time to hear them ( 30 * bpi/bpm seconds as opposed to 60 * bpi/bpm seconds)

Propagation of changes by the leader: Normally if someone changes the beat for instance, the change takes two full intervals to fully propagate. For instance, say I was playing a 12-bar blues at 120 bpm - so an interval of 4*12 or 48 beats. If I was the bassist and I changed the beat to a shuffle, the drummer would not hear that change until the next form and I would not hear the drummer playing a shuffle beat until two forms from when I started it - about half a minute later.

However, if I were the leader, the drummer would hear that I had started a shuffle while I was still finishing the first form, and I would hear him playing the shuffle along with me the very next form - around 15 seconds later.

Reinforcement of changes by the leader: Let's take that previous example and have the drummer start the shuffle beat instead of the me. I would hear him playing the shuffle during the initial form in which he beings it, and could play along with it. Then when it hits everyone else, they hear both the bass and drums as a shuffle as opposed to just the drums.

Unfortunately, there can only be one leader set at a given time. I would propose that the leader can be voted for in the chat in the same way one votes for the bpi or the bpm.

I'd love to implement this myself, but I really don't think I have the coding know-how to do so or the time to learn at the moment. But if someone wanted to take it upon themselves to develop this feature, I would very much appreciate it!


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