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Old 03-12-2019, 04:39 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by gofer View Post
As of editing other CC lanes, I really miss the old "Edit selected CC, if any - otherwise draw/edit new events", can't remember the exact name.

To illustrate here is an example of editing some typical MPE in v.5.97:

Note that
a) as soon as I select a note, the corresponding CC are selected (as per the option) and come politely to the foreground. Events on the "Channel for new events" are also drawn in the foreground. I can always clearly see which events are ready to be edited. (well, almost, see b )

b) My first attempt to edit the CC which correspond to the red C5 note fails, because "New events channel" is set to a wrong one. It doesn't create anything until I switch to the correct channel. Well, happens. I shrug it off, invoke one of Juliasadder's cool scripts that works wonders for this usecase, and go on.

c) When I edit the greenish C2 note's CC, I drag behind the area of the note, to show that there won't be any events created after the note-off, and the CC which belong to the next note on the same channel are not changed.

In this pre the same data and a similar edit looks like this:

a) The CC get selected alright, but visibility is lots worse. No sign of selected CC and "new events channel" stepping to the foreground. It all smears to a hazy soup.

b) First I redid the same channel mishap as in the 5.97 example trying to edit the red note's CC events. But now Reaper will instantly create events - which happen to be on the same channel as the yellow C6 at the top and thus change its existing CC curve. I need to undo, so I swear a little. I prefer the old behavior.

c) Editing the greenish note demonstrates how Reaper will now start creating CC out of bounds of the note, and what's worse, also change the existing CC curve of the next note on that same channel.

For editing MPE data it's currently a step backward. Looking forward to see the next iteration
Some very good points here. The main thing these comments illustrate is that there will need to be different editing behaviors between track envelopes and CC-data-as-envelopes, even if they look similar.

The default mouse behavior that was previously "Edit selected CC events if any, otherwise draw/edit" currently gets re-mapped to "Edit selected velocities, or freehand draw CC events." But it seems like the old behavior needs to be restored, though probably not as the default behavior. (And who knows, maybe we should add that mouse modifiers for track envelopes as well.)
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