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Old 12-26-2013, 12:00 PM   #20
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,818

Alright, i'll try to recycle this thread abit with a similar eum "point"..

This time it's about the output signal of the "soundcard"/USB/FW and what have we, and think (line out) (no volume knob) vs the opposite.

My steps for now, say if i just unboxed the monitors and soundcard:

1: All plugged in, power on, drivers installed ready to go.
2: Lower everything just for safety, put on Winamp and play my One favourite tune in the whole wide world that does not exist, default volume on Winamp btw.
3: Set the monitor at twelve a clock where the click is and then find out that my soundcards main volume is Way! to loud even at 10/100%.
4: Thankfully my SC has a seperate play/record place so i keep the music playing, have the main volume knob still set at 10/100%
then i go to the seperate play option and lower the volume down-down juuuust until i hear the sound "pop"-gone no sound at all.
5: Then i am sort of using common scence "feeling" on having the SC main volume knob at 15'ish for mixing (unfatiguing quiet) or how to explain it.
5b: With this i am comfortable in raising the main SC volume knob how i see fit, in a responsible way of course. lol

Note: I am not going for 1/100% on purpose for some reason, instinct? anyways, there you have it.
And btw, i am using an Asus Xonar Essence ST for the record.

So! does anyone have any comments on volume'etized soundcards vs line-out things if we have 'em.
Objections, thoughts, other methods, things to be observant about, measuring tools, "better" choice of future soundcards bad/good, doo this/don't that.. and maby 20 more things i might come up with by tomorrow, like for example what to look for at the "specs" of a soundcard before buying, if stuff like that matters today.

My hope is for you (experts) to get something More to discuss and for us (no names) to get some reading.
Sometimes a discussion can lead to something unforseen also, if good outcome, great!
If all fails (no discussion) and noone object to my little "checklist, then all good and then atleast the newcomers might have something usefull to read.

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