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Old 01-13-2020, 09:08 AM   #38
Human being with feelings
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Join Date: Sep 2018
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Posts: 919

Originally Posted by ashcat_lt View Post
that one doesn’t appear to have integrated gain control, which was one of the asks here.
Good point. Now it has one. There are also some hidden sliders for the meter response and damping, except for the sliders for the Vu-meter display itself and the peak LEDs that can be used as triggers (the Warn Level slider then acts as a threshold).
In combination with volume-slider parameter modulation (VU Left //Hidden), this even results in a pretty decent compressor. Make the response slider visible and you get a parameter for the compression timing.

// Simple VU Meter - a fine freeware by chris-s
// V1.1; 10-Jan-2017
// Disclaimer: Use of this software is on your own risk

// Modified by Zeno
// V1.3; 13-Jan-2020
   - graphic appearance: color scheme adapted, more modern look
   - added volume slider for gain adjustments
   - added hidden sliders for peak LEDs left/mid and right/side
   - added hidden sliders for vu meter readout left/mid and right/side

   Hidden sliders can be used as triggers for scripts and modulation envelopes !!

//*************************************** END INFO ****************/

desc:VU Meter (ZenoMOD)
//tags: analysis analyze vu meter
//author: chris-s , Zeno

// hidden sliders: remove the "-" in front of the name to activate

slider1:-18<-20,0,0.5>Ref Level
slider2:-6<-20,0,0.1>Warn Level
slider3:50<0,100,1}>-Response  // Hidden
slider5:0.0053<0,.01,0.0001>-Damping  // Hidden
slider6:0<-12,12,0.1>Volume (dB)

slider50: -20<-20,3>-VU Left/Mid  // Hidden     
slider51: -20<-20,0,3>-VU Right/Side  // Hidden
slider52: 0<0,1>-Peak LED L  // Hidden
slider53: 0<0,1>-Peak LED R  // Hidden

// Hide side meters
in_pin:left input
in_pin:right input
out_pin:left output
out_pin:right output

/***************************************** END DESC *****************/


//========================================= VOLUME ==================/

db=slider6; // initialize here but not in @slider for playback start

//======================================== VU METER =================/
errcnt = 0;
tot_nbr_spl = 0;
scnt = 0;

fact_up = 0;

offset = 0.0074;

nd_posL = nd_posR = 0;
nd_speedL = nd_speedR = 0;

dt = 10 / srate;

mom = 0.00042;
damp = 1 - 0.0053 * (48000 / srate);

dbL = dbR = 0;
overL = overR = 0;

print = 10;
print[0] = -20;
print[1] = -10;
print[2] = -7;
print[3] = -5;
print[4] = -3;
print[5] = -2;
print[6] = -1;
print[7] = 0;
print[8] = 1;
print[9] = 2;
print[10] = 3;

pos = 30;
pos[0] = 0;
pos[1] = .1650;
pos[2] = .2641;
pos[3] = .3519;
pos[4] = .4626;
pos[5] = .5284;
pos[6] = .6022;
pos[7]  = .6849;
pos[8]  = .7779;
pos[9] = .8822;
pos[10] = 1;

/**************************************** END @INIT *****************/


//======================================== VOLUME ===================/

//======================================== VU METER =================/
fact_up = 10 ^ (( -slider1 - 10)/20) * 0.3785 ;

wl   = slider2;
mode = slider4;
lim = 10 ^ (wl / 20);

mom = 0.00010 + 0.00032 *  slider3^3 / 125000;   

damp = 1 - slider5 * (48000 / srate);

/**************************************** END @SLIDER ***************/


//========================================= VOLUME ==================/

db_chg_splpos=slider_next_chg(1, tgtdb);
db_chg_splpos > 0 ? 
) : (
  tgtdb = slider6;
  db_chg_splpos = samplesblock;


/**************************************** END @BLOCK ****************/


//========================================= VOLUME ==================/
cnt == db_chg_splpos ? 
  db_chg_splpos=slider_next_chg(1, tgtdb);
  db_chg_splpos > cnt ? 


spl0 *= adj;
spl1 *= adj;

db += ddb;
cnt += 1;

//======================================== VU METER =================/
tot_nbr_spl += 1;

smpL = spl0; 
smpR = spl1;

mode == 1 ? ( 
  smpL = (spl0 + spl1) * 0.5;
  smpR = smpL;  

mode >= 2 ? ( 
  smpL = (spl0 + spl1) * 0.5;
  smpR = (spl0 - spl1) * 0.5;  

smpL = abs(smpL);
smpR = abs(smpR);

scnt += 1;

scnt === 10 ? (
	// move left needle
    force = smpL * fact_up  -  (nd_posL * .1 + offset);
    nd_speedL += force * dt / mom;  
    nd_speedL = nd_speedL * damp;
    nd_posL += nd_speedL * dt;
    nd_posL < 0 || nd_posL > 1 ? nd_speedL = 0;
    nd_posL = min(max(nd_posL,0),1);
    // move right needle

    force = smpR * fact_up  - (nd_posR * .1 + offset);
    nd_speedR += force * dt / mom;  
    nd_speedR = nd_speedR * damp;
    nd_posR += nd_speedR * dt;
    nd_posR < 0 || nd_posR > 1 ? nd_speedR = 0;
    nd_posR = min(max(nd_posR,0),1);
    overL -= 10;
    overR -= 10;

    scnt = 0;
tot_nbr_spl_g  = tot_nbr_spl;

overL_g = overL;
overR_g = overR;
nd_posL_g = nd_posL;
nd_posR_g = nd_posR;

tot_nbr_spl_g === tot_nbr_spl ? (

  dbL = (nd_posL_g * 23) - 20;
  dbR = (nd_posR_g * 23) - 20;
) : (
  errcnt += 1; // thread collision

smpL > lim ? overL = srate;
smpR > lim ? overR = srate;

slider50 = dbL;   //LBX ZenoMOD
slider51 = dbR;   //LBX ZenoMOD
slider52 = overL_g;
slider53 = overR_g;

/**************************************** END @SAMPLE ***************/

@gfx 480 200

// paint gfx 

fontinit != 1 ? (
  gfx_setfont(1, "Arial", 14, '');
  gfx_setfont(2, "Arial", 20, 'b');

  fontinit = 1;

gfx_a = 1;

w1 = $pi * 16.5 / 180; 
w2 = $pi * 45 / 180;

xw = max(1,floor((gfx_w-30) / 2));
yw = floor(xw / 1.5);

r1 = floor(yw * 0.85);

chan = 0;

while (chan <= 1) (

  xd = 10 + chan*(xw+10);
  mode === 1 ? xd += floor(xw/2);
  yd = 10;

  xa = floor(xd + xw / 2);
  ya = floor(yd + yw * 1.1);

  // meter backgr
  // scale   
  gfx_r=gfx_g=gfx_b = 0; // black 
  gfx_arc(xa, ya, r1, -45 * ($pi / 180), w2, 1);

  gfx_r=.95; gfx_g=0; gfx_b = 0; // red 
  gfx_arc(xa, ya, r1 + 1, w1, w2, 1);
  gfx_arc(xa, ya, r1 + 2, w1, w2, 1);  
  gfx_arc(xa, ya, r1 + 3, w1, w2, 1);  
  gfx_arc(xa, ya, r1 + 4, w1, w2, 1);    
  gfx_r=gfx_g=gfx_b = 0.2; // black 
  jj = 0;
  while ( jj <= 10 ) (
    ii = print[jj];
    ph =  pos[jj];
    ph = (45 + ph*90) * $pi / 180; 
    cosp = cos(ph) * r1;
    sinp = sin(ph) * r1;
    x1 = xa - cosp ;
    y1 = ya - sinp ;

    x2 = xa - cosp * 1.1;
    y2 = ya - sinp * 1.1;

    x3 = xa - cosp * 1.12;
    y3 = ya - sinp * 1.12;

    gfx_x = x1;
    gfx_y = y1 ; 
    gfx_lineto(x2, y2);
    gfx_x = x3 - 7;   
    gfx_y = y3 - gfx_texth;
    gfx_printf("%3d", ii);
    jj += 1;
    jj == 8 ? ( gfx_r = 1; gfx_g = gfx_b = 0 );  
  // Peak
  gfx_r=gfx_g=gfx_b = 0.0; // black 
  gfx_x = xd + xw * .9 - 30;
  gfx_y = yd + yw * .9 - 10;
  // VU
  gfx_setfont(2); // large
  gfx_r=gfx_g=gfx_b = 0.0; // black 
  gfx_x = xa - 10;
  gfx_y = yd + yw * .6;
  // draw LEDs
  gfx_r = .95; gfx_g = gfx_b = 0.1; // red 
  (chan == 0 && overL_g > 0) || (chan == 1 && overR_g > 0)  ? (   
     gfx_circle(xd + xw*0.9 + 6, yd + yw * 0.9 - 4, 4, 1, 1);
  // draw needle
  chan == 0 ? ph = dbL : ph = dbR;

  ph = 45 + (ph+20)/23*90; 
  ph = ph * ($pi / 180);
  cosp = cos(ph);
  sinp = sin(ph);
  x1 = xa - cosp * r1 * 0.15;
    y1 = ya - sinp * r1 * 0.15;
    x2 = xa - cosp * r1 * 1.1;
    y2 = ya - sinp * r1 * 1.1;
    gfx_r=gfx_g=gfx_b = 0; // black                   
    gfx_x = x1;
    gfx_y = y1; 
    gfx_lineto(x2, y2);
    gfx_x = x1+1;
    gfx_y = y1;
    gfx_lineto(x2+1, y2);
    gfx_x = x1+4;
    gfx_y = y1; 
    gfx_lineto(x2+4, y2);
    gfx_r=gfx_g=gfx_b = 1; // white 
    gfx_x = xd;
    gfx_y = yd+yw+2;
    chan == 0 ?
	 gfx_drawstr("LEFT / MID") :
	 gfx_drawstr("RIGHT / SIDE") ;
    chan += 1;
    mode === 1 ? chan += 1;
/******************************************** EOF *******************/

Last edited by Zeno; 01-13-2020 at 05:34 PM.
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