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Old 02-12-2020, 09:42 AM   #105
Human being with feelings
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how about a version that uses
0 - stop all notes from playing
1 - play scale chord 1
2 - play scale chord 2
3 - play scale chord 3
4 - play scale chord 4
5 - play scale chord 5
6 - play scale chord 6
7 - play scale chord 7
q - higher scale note 1
w - higher scale note 2
e - higher scale note 3
r - higher scale note 4
t - higher scale note 5
y - higher scale note 6
u - higher scale note 7
a - scale note 1
s - scale note 2
d - scale note 3
f - scale note 4
g - scale note 5
h - scale note 6
j - scale note 7
z - lower scale note 1
x - lower scale note 2
c - lower scale note 3
v - lower scale note 4
b - lower scale note 5
n - lower scale note 6
m - lower scale note 7
cmd q - decrement scale tonic note
cmd w - increment scale tonic note
cmd e - decrement scale type
cmd r - increment scale type
cmd a - halve grid size
cmd s - double grid size
cmd d - decrement octave
cmd f - increment octave
cmd y - decrement chord type
cmd z - decrement chord type (in german version)
cmd x - increment chord type
cmd c - decrement chord inversion
cmd v -increment chord inversion
cmd g - cursor one step right in grid
right arrow - cursour one step right
left arrow - cursor one step left
F1 - this help

you can download 2 variations
english version directly from here
normal version

german version (z and y are reversed)
german Version

put it into the scripts folder Scripts\ReaTeam Scripts\Various\pandabot_ChordGun

load it in the action list.

all tribute to pandabot original version
original version

Last edited by bobobo; 02-19-2020 at 03:14 AM. Reason: insert CMD G , y-z swap , links , Space for StopPlaying, ArrowKeys, show Shortcuts via F1
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