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Old 07-30-2021, 08:17 PM   #2
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 12,634

If you really really want to ensure that you have no chance of fixing it if live gating goes a little wild, you can record it live with it committed.

I'd recommend recording the vocal mics raw. Simply because you can.

Then dial up your gating, etc. You can still aim to automate this with a gate like you would have live. I'm not suggesting to do something in a time consuming way.


If there really really is a time crunch, record your live gating/etc production to tracks but also record the raw mics for safety.

If there's a mistake you can adjust and hit render again.

At least some production on the way in was needed with analog tape.
That constraint is gone.
Live broadcast is still live broadcast when that's the gig.
Take advantage with everything else!
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