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Old 10-12-2017, 09:33 PM   #180
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 861

Peavey Revalver 4 is working in linux 550rc23
edit: (5.60rc10 reaper's menus would
flash for a flash, then vanish, so I rolled back)
Revalver also works in wine 2.17/2.18 with d2d1,
and the typical wine over-rides.

And it has a '3rd party vst' option among it's
module loading menu, and after it scanned for vsts,
I chose to load Amplitube 4, to have a powerhouse ampsim
inside a powerhouse ampsim....yyyaaaaawwwnnnnnn,
just another linux doodad to fool around with.
(well there's a poorly set-up attempt at droll humour)

Those new to Peavey Revalver, it offers a free limited version,
and loading modules with a pricetag (they are $7.99 or less!!!)
invokes a silly cartoonish sound effect that miight make you giggle.

Revalver is just under 240 meg download, and the installer went on and on and on,
me thinking some weird loop occurred. It finally finished. Lots of little files to place.

I ran the standalone first, it appeared to work, sound visible in meters, but not audible.
So I moved to the plugin in Reaper which seems fine.

Workflow is simple, click to select either stomps, amps, or effects
on the main gui, then click the modules button to see
a visual list of what's available to populate the given slot
in the pedalboard gui.

edit: for this I was using wine-staging 2.18, and Mono and Gecko both got installed
while I was sleeping, and Airwave wrapped the Revalver/Amplitube plugins.

Last edited by 4duhwinnn; 10-14-2017 at 12:50 AM. Reason: clarity
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