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Old 08-01-2020, 10:43 AM   #3
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A bit off topic but it is not a hardship to sign code. It is part of the build system and happens automatically when pressing the same "Build" button as before. Yes it takes extra steps for the developer to setup the first time, but it's no more difficult than, for example, updating the web page of a plugin to tell everyone there's an update. It will also take a few extra steps to setup the ARM build system the first time for the new ARM mac's, also no big deal. The code signing improves security and reliability. Developers simply need to run some commands to create a key, etc. Users will see that a plugin is signed and will be more likely to download and install the plugin. The requirement will happen to Microsoft plugins too eventually in the future, just as usual Apple is ahead of Microsoft.

About Code Signing

Once the developer has created a signature then it only takes one command to sign a plugin:
codesign -s <identity> <code-path>
That's only needed if it's done manually, as normally it is made to be automatic, inside the regular single-button-click "Build" step.

Everything for a developer is a "hardship". Dealing with hardship is a way of life as a developer.. always new technology, always new changes, to roll with the cycle of upgrade improvements, that's why we are not still running Amiga's today.
This doesn't work. Try it. Grab a juce build, build a test plug and try it. You have to pay the extortion
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