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Old 09-17-2021, 06:50 PM   #1
Human being with feelings
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Posts: 175
Default Examples of binaural export using different plugins

I wanted to explore binaural audio, with the aim of converting my stereo mixes to something more immersive, to be listened on headphones. To this end, I started looking at different options, and I found that mixing plugins from different brands sound better to me.

Below, I put 4 clips using the same stereo track (a stem of recorded acoustic drum kit, with reverb baked in it, panned -/+ 90°) so you can compare different plugins and associations of plugins:

1. Full Sparta chain, ambiENC followed by ambBIN (both set to 7th order ambisonics)

2. IEM stereo encoder (set to 7th order ambisonics), followed by the Sparta ambiBIN binaural decoder (set to 7th order ambisonics)

3. DearVR Pro, set to encode AmbiX TOA, followed by the Sparta ambiBIN binaural decoder (set to TOA)

4. DearVR Pro, direct export from its binaural export setting

What's your opinion? I really dislike 4., but I like 3. a lot. Options 1. and 2. sound a bit different because the encoders are different, but they are quite close because the binaural decoder is the same.

Last edited by sguyader; 09-17-2021 at 06:58 PM.
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