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Old 06-27-2018, 09:28 AM   #17
Human being with feelings
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Originally Posted by Tod View Post
Maybe, but then that unnecessarily uses up the track volume.
Yeah sorry, I actually kind of want to change my answer. It IS true that as soon as I read your first reply - before I read the OPs response to your suggestion - I thought "but compression will undo that", but I usually use Take Volume for this too. Sometimes, with a lot of compression on the track, you have to turn those breaths way way down. A lot of times what I actually do is to split the item and mess with the start time and fade in time to make the breath both shorter and softer. It's kind of hard to explain but it actually does work reasonably well a lot of times.

Now, if it's overcompresed, then it's overcompressed, but sometimes that's what you're going for, and sometimes the only way to get acceptable results is to do some automation on the other side of the compression. If you need the track V envelope for something else, you might automate the output gain on the compressor or like any other convenient gain knob after it or insert JS Volume. Or put the track in folder of its own so you have two track envelopes to work with.
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