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Old 05-17-2010, 05:07 PM   #6
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 2,957

frankly my prob is the opposite.
i cant stop thinkin up lyrics.
got books of blinkin lyric ideas.
heres some tips mate.
1. at dollar stores you can buy big blocks of lined paper
with holes you can put in a 3 ring binder.
2. keep the binder close by when your home or out somewhere.
3. stay attuned to everything going on around you,
you might read something in the newspaper or see something
on tv or out shopping , summary "listen to life around you ".
start jotting likkle ideas down n song concepts.
mebe its about something you hate or like, or something
someone says.
just start writing little ideas down n song concepts n gradually string sentences together.
4. listen to some audio youve recorded with no vocs.
eg a geetar n drum rhythm. what emotions do such bring out ??
write down what your feeling from the music.
5. another way to break the ice is to just always be thinking
up song titles from daft out there titles to more serious ones.
haveing got the one line title..what lyrics do the title lead to ??
6. assume you will often fail.
but dont let this paralyse you with self doubt.
never EVER let doubt get the better of you.
just keep on writing down everything. cos out of that will
come some lyrics.
in summary banish the devil of doubt sitting on your shoulder.
all the best.
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