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Old 08-29-2019, 05:57 AM   #4317
Human being with feelings
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Location: Northern Ireland
Posts: 904

Was you're example not to have the mods go to zones, if that was the case surely that wouldn't work when you came to having a sub zone, as the ModZone would be for the MainZone and not the SubZone?

My example was to only have GoZone in the "main" and "subs" and then the ModZone would be picked up by them.

I guess then INDEX would be MAIN and SUB,
Then MAIN would have it's included ModZones
amd SUB would have it's included ModZones.

I'd personally prefer not to have the ModZones as GoZones, I think it could become a rabbits warren,

At the minute we can define MAIN and SUBS and navigate them with GoZone

If ModZones could be "included (by simply using IncludeZones" in those Zones, then you'd have better directions and pathways.

MAIN_________________>>>>GoZone SUB
(ModZones of MAIN)

SUB__________________>>>>GoZone MAIN
(ModZones of SUB)

All the ModZones of MAIN "Keep" you in MAIN and throw you back to MAIN

All the ModZones of SUBS "Keep" you in SUBS and throw you back to SUBS

So to use an analogy,
GoZone takes you to a new County,
ModZone take you to a new Town in your current County.

Two different functions.

I guess it's down to Geoff to solve this one for us

Last edited by Freex; 08-29-2019 at 06:05 AM.
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