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Old 12-13-2014, 09:18 AM   #251
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Near Cambridge UK and Near Questembert, France
Posts: 22,754

Ha ha! Now that really IS funny - you're whining about a theme and you attribute it to the WRONG guy?

And I am changing MY name to "Ivanideayoudontreadthingsproperly"

P.S. There is actually yet ANOTHER thread on this specific theme where a French member said he is going to try and finish the WIP of SSL, but again it could take a LONG time.

In the meantime I donated to Albert and now use his Protools theme, pending the one he is currently working on getting finished.
Give it a try, you might find it works well for you, if you didn't already get it.

P.P.S. "my posts are an expression of playful, anger-in-jest" - it is always safer to use a grinz smiley to remove any doubt that you might be serious.
Anything can not-happen-really on the internet and usually does. (cue grinz smiley)
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